About Me


Currently, you will find the most up do date information on my LinkedIn account.

Goal of this blog

In this blog I would like to share with you what I have learned from various projects and my part-time research endeavour.

On the one hand, my focus lies on everyday IT solutions built with Microsoft Excel, Access, and SharePoint. On the other hand, I am busy analysing and modeling a freefloating Shared Mobility System in a large European city – that is what my PHD is all about. While analysing and modeling such a system, I use various machine learning methods.

How to contact me

You can contact mia via an e-mail to contact@dennisproksch.de. I will try to get back to you with an answer within 72 hours. You do not have to write me in English, though. I am native German, so German will do, too. Other than that I do understand in writing (in descending order from best to worst) Albanian, Dutch, French, Italian, and a bit of Russian. But expect my answer to be in German or English : ).